Bärbel Mohr > Online-Magazin > Newsletter > 6. – 8.12. Adventskalender BbU

6. – 8.12. Adventskalender BbU

Die Bestellung in St. Pauls
Vor etwa vier Jahren wohnte ich in Berlin und war arbeitslos. Die wirtschaftliche Lage war auch damals nicht die beste, und nach einigen Monaten des erfolglosen Bewerbens innerhalb Berlins (ich wollte eigentlich da wohnen bleiben) mußte ich mich wohl oder übel mit dem Gedanken anfreunden, mich deutschlandweit zu bewerben. Weder wollte ich Berlin verlassen, noch war ich von dem Gedanken an einen Umzug an sich begeistert. Plötzlich kam mir die Idee, wenn ich denn schon umziehen müsse, dann könnte ich auch direkt ins Ausland gehen. Für ein Jahr im englischsprachigem Ausland zu leben, war schon ein Kindheitstraum von mir gewesen, den ich allerdings seit einiger Zeit vergessen hatte.
Nun ja, Bewerbungen mußte ich eh schreiben, also schickte ich fünf davon spaßeshalber nach London, wünschte mir zwar, daß es klappen würde, aber dachte überhaupt nicht weiter daran, da ich dem Kopf mit anderen Dingen voll hatte.
Von drei meiner Bewerbungen hörte ich gar nichts mehr, zu einer bekam ich eine Absage und zu meiner fünften einen Anruf mit einer Einladung zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch in London!
Man kann sich vorstellen, wie aufgeregt ich war. Ich freute mich auf den Trip nach London und auf das Vorstellungsgespräch, rechnete mir aber überhaupt keine Chance aus.
Das Vorstellungsgespräch lief recht gut, trotzdem war ich skeptisch, da ich glaubte, mein Englisch sei für meinen Beruf als Sekretaerin viel zu schlecht. Aber ich wollte den Job unbedingt und war von der Möglichkeit, in London zu leben, fasziniert.
Für meine Bestellung beim Universum suchte ich mir diesmal einen ganz besonderen Ort aus, ich hatte das Gefühl, eine besondere Umgebung dafür zu brauchen. So fuhr ich direkt nach dem Gespräch zur St. Pauls Cathedral, ging dort in eine kleine Kapelle, zündete eine Kerze an und bat das Universum darum, diesen Job zu bekommen und tatsächlich von Berlin nach London umzuziehen.
Am nächsten Tag flog ich zurück nach Berlin, am übernächsten bekam ich den Anruf, daß ich den Job sicher hätte. Wow, wer hätte das gedacht!!! Und das, obwohl man mir hinterher von allen Seiten bestätigte, wenn man sich auf Jobsuche in London begebe, brauche man eine britische Adresse und Telefonnummer und müsse jederzeit für ein Vorstellungsgespräch abrufbar sein. Daß es bei mir von Deutschland aus geklappt habe, sei eine ganz ganz große Ausnahme gewesen.
Als ich drei Monate später tatsächlich meinen Job in London antrat, war einer meiner ersten Ausflüge ein Besuch in der Kapelle in St. Pauls, in der ich meine Bestellung abgeschickt hatte, um mich beim Universum zu bedanken.
Dies war einer meiner ersten Wünsche, nachdem ich Bestellungen beim Universum gelesen hatte. Daß es so gut klappen würde, hätte ich mir nie erträumt! Ich bin unendlich dankbar!
– Barbara


Ausnahmsweise  zwei Bestellungen in Englisch aus England und Ungarn:

Good Afternoon

My name is Andrea and I’m responding to a request from the ‚Cosmic Ordering forum‘ for stories relating to how Cosmic Ordering has worked for me.
I don’t really know where to start. I read your ‚Cosmic Ordering‘ book two years ago and used your techniques to help me leave a job I had been in for too long. Since then my partner and I use cosmic ordering all the time, from finding a car parking spot (which we find every single time no matter how full the car park) to ‚ordering‘ a five bedroom house!!
I guess it will be easiest to tell you our most recent story.
My partner Peter and I, like many others, recently found ourselves in a very dire financial situation. We were both self employed and our businesses were suffering from the recession.

We were living off credit cards and the generosity of relatives. We have four children between us and we were having to feed them on between £30 and £45 per week. Things were gradually getting worse. We could no longer pay our bills and were being threatened with Baliffs and Debt Collectors.
I had never felt so depressed. I couldn’t see an end to our situation, or even any signs of some improvement. We were doing our best to use Cosmic Ordering but I think our vibrations were so low that it wasn’t working.
One evening Peter suggested we try a prosperity game, where each day we would ‚deposit‘ £1000 into a virtual account and by the end of each day we had to spend the whole amount and the next day the amount would increase by £1000 so we continually had more to spend. The only rule was we had to ’spend‘ the whole amount and we had to ‚donate‘  10% each day to a charity.
And so we began, we even went so far as to set up and online accounting system where we would deposit the daily £1000 amount and also keep track of what we had spent and on what.
The first week was easy, spending a few thousand is a doddle, but as the amounts got larger we had to become more inventive with what we ordered. It made us look for things we wouldn’t normally have thought about, like an orchard in Straford upon Avon and a variety of holiday homes around the world.
As we played the game, our vibrations began to improve. We would look forward with excitement to what we were going to buy each day and who we were going to donate to. We were so into it that reality and imaginary began to blur.
Slowly money started to come our way. My partner was offered a well paid job out of the blue, with commission on top, my business received an order from a high street retailer and we started to see our financial situation improve with startling results. Not only that, the holidays, items and donations we had picked started to become reality without us even trying.
Whatever you want to call it, whether it’s Cosmic Ordering, Law of Attraction or positive thinking, I am in no doubt that it has worked for us.
Thanks for reading and I hope it has been some help to you.


Hello Baerbel!
My "tale" goes like this:
The whole story began 2 years ago. It was in August, when I felt  disappointed and depressed because of  my job and my working place. I was considered to be good in my job, in the business I was doing, but I felt that nothing is enough for my bosses/owners of the company I worked for. They were using me and this fact was so disappointing that I could hardly bear. I was sinking deeper and deeper in my negative thoughts about my life and finally turned to my husband telling him what was inside of me regarding the current situation. Finally we agreed to leave that company at once however I had no idea what to do in the future and I also had to take into consideration that my salary was also necessary to cover our family costs. (That time the unemployment rate was very high in the city where I live.)
Within 1 week time I left that company offering them an alternative solution for 3 month time period working for them as an independent advisor/agent in their export/import activity against a very low monthly compensation + commission .
At the first day of my "independent" life in the morning I felt happiness and told loudly to myself and to God: I would like to know what is my way??? What is my future??? I want to enjoy my life and not to suffer any longer"
Within 2 days time old business partners of my previous company started to call me , making my days very busy and enjoyable and  resulted a lot of orders for my previous company. They were very satisfied and I noticed  that I do not hate them as much as before. They also changed, became more kind and polite to me!
Later I started to organize my own independent deals  and finally established my own export/import agency. It is still incredible, unbelievable.
However I am working  a lot as my agency  is a "one-woman-show" I enjoy my freedom very much. Now I feel that this is what I wanted!! This is my way!
Finally I have to tell that I enjoy your books very much which inspired me. When I despare I start to read your books to get  the balance back again.
Zsuzsanna from Hungary/Debrecen